Student Services Center

The Student Service Center's goal is to support all students holistically - physically, academically, socially, and emotionally. Therefore, you can find the offices of two Assistant Principals, School Counselors, School Clerk/Registrar, Community Liaison, Health Clerk, District Nurse, and UpLift and CASSY counselors. See below for more information regarding who to go to for various services.

Assistant Principals

All the Assistant Principals are based in the Student Services Center and are supported by the Counseling Clerk and Health Clerk. The APs have oversight of student behavioral issues and attendance, and coordinate with our School Counselors to support students academically. In addition to supporting students and staff, the APs oversee the safety and integrity of the entire Prospect campus.

Prospect’s Assistant Principals and School Counselors work together to provide students the formative support and resources they will need in order to achieve in high school. The Student Services Center is the starting point for alternative services and student interventions that may be beneficial to students seeking to achieve. In our lively and diverse learning community, the APs routinely remind everyone of our school’s shared behavioral expectations in a simple way: “Take care of business, and play nice in the sandbox!”



School Counselors
The Prospect High School Counseling team strives to assist students in achieving success in all aspects of their lives. Counselors get to know their students in grade nine and remain involved with them throughout high school, providing individual, ongoing counseling on academic, personal, extracurricular, and post-secondary options. College advising is expanded during the second half of the junior year and continues into the senior year as counselors assist students and parents in researching schools, developing a list, and making applications to appropriate colleges and universities. Counselors are also supported by a College & Career Specialist to support with College Applications, scholarships, FAFSA, and more!
For more information about Counseling services and supports, click here.  
College & Career Specialist

The College & Career Specialist assists students with their post-secondary planning. Located in our new student union's College & Career Center, services include help with students' college applications, understanding testing options, scholarship resources, career search and understanding, and maintains a list of summer programs and local employment opportunities. Ms. Bencomo hosts many informative workshops throughout the school year for the benefit of all students and parents. For more information and to find the CCC Newsletter, click here.  



Health Clerk
The Health Clerk is available for assistance with the maintenance of immunization records, minor medical emergencies, students who have become ill and need to go home, and issuing PE medical excuses. Every attempt is made to contact parents or the Emergency Contact person listed on the Emergency Card and Registration form. Our ability to contact a responsible adult directly depends on the accuracy of the provided phone numbers.  PLEASE UPDATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER IF A CHANGE OCCURS.  The Health Clerk is not a nurse and is, therefore, prohibited by law from giving out any type of medication to students without written approval from the student’s doctor.


Students should report to the Health Office when injured on campus. Incident/injury reports must be completed with the help of the teacher who was present at the time of the injury.


Counseling Clerk / Registrar

The Counseling Clerk/Registrar assists parents and students with information regarding transcripts, transcript interpretation, academic credits, course descriptions, and testing programs. For more information, click here.

If you are in need of a transcript or record, please click here



To Find Out About: 

Contact Person:


Advanced Placement Courses

School Counselor

Student Service Center

Alternative Schooling

School Counselor

Student Service Center

California Proficiency Exam

School Counselor

Student Service Center

College Admissions

School Counselor or College/Career Specialist 

Student Service Center or Library 

Diploma Requirements

School Counselor

Student Service Center


Assistant Principal 

Student Service Center

Grade Dispute

School Counselor or Assistant Principal

Student Service Center 

Health Services

Health Clerk

Student Service Center

Home and Hospital Instruction

School Counselor

Student Service Center

New Student Orientation


Student Service Center

Schedule Changes/Adjustments

School Counselor

Student Service Center


School Counselor

Student Service Center

Technology User Agreement

Receptionist or Registrar 

Student Service Center

Therapeutic Counseling Crisis

Social Worker or UpLift/CASSY Counselor 

Student Service Center



Student Service Center