Counseling Department

Vision Statement
Prospect High School students are resilient, confident, problem solvers.  Students possess the skills and resources to identify and pursue their post-secondary goals. Students are self-aware, empathetic, appreciative of diversity, and empowered to be active participants in their community who carry themselves with integrity and character.
Mission Statement
The mission of the school counseling program at Prospect High School is to provide a comprehensive school counseling program addressing the academic, career and social/emotional development of all students. The program is designed to promote student achievement, opportunity, and success for all students. In collaboration with other stakeholders, school counselors support each student and their growth, aiming to prepare all students to meet the challenges of being a global citizen.
Grade Level Presentations
The PHS Counseling Department includes five academic counselors, our College and Career Specialist, and our Counseling Secretary/Registrar. All of us are here to support our students in achieving their goals both during and following high school.  To do this, the Counseling Department meets with their caseload at least three times each year to go through guided curriculum and workshops to best prepare students for life after high school.  Below is the schedule as well as topics by grade level.
Contacting Your Counselor
If you are a STUDENT and want to meet with your counselor, you may do any of the following:
  • Drop-In: students may drop-in to the Student Services Center before school, during break, lunch or after school. 
  • Appointments: students may schedule an appointment by messaging their School Counselor through Canvas or by sending their School Counselor an email at their CUHSD email address (details below). 

  • Email: sending your School Counselor and email saves students from missing important class instruction. Emailing your School Counselor is a quick and easy way to get answers to your questions and concerns (details below).


If you are a PARENT or GUARDIAN, please use the following guidelines:
  • If you have a question about your student's current grade or course content, please contact the teacher directly. You may use Canvas or Aeries to monitor your student's progress in his or her classes. The School Counselors do not have additional information regarding specific classes, so teachers will be best equipped to inform and guide you.
  • If you have a general question or concern for your student's School Counselor, the most expedient way to contact them is through email (details below). You can also contact your student's School Counselor through voicemail (details below). School Counselors will try to get back to you within 24-48 hours (not including weekends or holidays). Please keep in mind that if you're calling about a teacher-related issue, we ask that you have communicated with the teacher first.
Meet the team!
Counseling Staff
How Can Your School Counselor Help You?

The School Counselor at Prospect High can assist you in the following areas:
  • High School Graduation
  • Post High School Planning
  • Communication strategies with students and/or staff 
  • Class Selection
  • College Planning
  • Discussing confidential concerns
  • Foster, Homeless, and Unaccompanied Youth Resources: If you would like to request more information or would like to know more about the services offered for foster, homeless, and unaccompanied youth please contact your school counselor or our Community Liaison, Sandra Madrigal.  You may also visit the CUHSD Foster, Homeless, and Unaccompanied Youth Resource Page for District-wide resources, contact, and for more information.


Courtney Schembri

Director, Student Services

408-371-0960 x 2016

[email protected]

Amy McLain

Student Services Secretary 

408-371-0960 x 2076

[email protected]


What is Confidentiality?
Confidentiality ensures that what you discuss with your School Counselor is private between you and your School Counselor. We will not discuss these matters with your parents, teachers, school administrators, other students, etc. What is said in this office, remains in this office UNLESS:
  • You or someone you know if being physically or sexually abused (even if it happened a long time ago) 
  • You are going to hurt yourself 
  • You are going to hurt someone else