Panther Marching Band & Colorguard

Presenting Our 2023 Fall Field Show Production... "Tune In"
What is Marching Band?
The Panther Marching Band & Color Guard will be considered a competitive field show program for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year. The Marching Band is comprised of wind instruments, percussion (drumline and front ensemble auxiliaries), and color guard (flag and equipment spinners) that perform music on the move in a variety of outdoor venues. From in the stands and on the field for half time performance, to community parades and events... the marching band is one of the most visible groups to our community in the music program! Marching Band season begins mid/late July to condition and begin learning the field show, has daily evening rehearsals throughout the fall semester, and ends around November (similarly to many fall sports).
The "Field Show" is the center of what will be prepared by the marching band, and incorporates telling a central story through music, movement, and visual formations in roughly 6-8 minutes. The field show is a new and exciting theme each year and gives students the an outlet of performance and expression that is unique to the activity. Modern marching bands now incorporate "movement & dance" components throughout the show to provide variety and excitement to the overall show beyond what many know as a "Park and Bark" performance where bands simply march and halt while playing music for the entirety of the show.
With all this in mind, Marching Band is a big (but extremely rewarding) commitment mentally, physically, and time-wise! Students will gain not only just valuable life skills (time management, grit and determination, working in group settings) while in marching band but most importantly life-long friendships and memories that they'll cherish beyond their high school experience. The activity may seem intimidating at first, but incoming students to the Marching Band will begin the school year with 20-40 brand new friends to support them in the band room and out.
Season Schedule
Rehearsal Schedule (Please refer to the "Attendance Policy" later in this page):
    • Tuesdays: 6:00-9:00 PM
    • Thursdays: 6:00-9:00 PM
    • Sat: 9 AM - 5 PM
Dates for summer camps, competitions, football games, and events can be found on our Marching Band Calendar Below:
(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions


Is Marching Band Free to Join?

The Marching Band activity is quite an expensive activity to ensure it can run sustainably. Costs per student can range anywhere between ($600-$700) to provide the following:

    • Coaching Instructors for Students
    • Sheet Music for the Field Show
    • Equipment & Equipment Upkeep
    • Performance/Group Registration Fees
    • Transportation to/from Competitions & Events

Though the sound of the cost may seem intimidating at first, we want to ensure that all students can be provided the opportunity to perform with the Marching Band. Monthly payment plans will be available to spread out throughout the August-November season.


How Long is the Marching Band Season?

Marching Band typically goes from late July to the end of November.


How often does marching band rehearse?

We will rehearse on Tuesday and Thursday evenings (TBD Time) and most Saturdays from 9:00am - 5:00pm. Though this rehearsal schedule may seem demanding, it is necessary to stay competitive and make the most of our time together as a group.


When is Band Camp? Is it mandatory?

Band camp this year is expected to be the first full week of August before classes start (TBD Exact Days and Schedule). Band camp is the most important time of the marching season. It is where we learn the basics of marching and the opening moments of our show, therefore it is crucial that all students attend. More information will be sent home after registering.


Do Parents Need to Volunteer?

YES! We need a lot of parent help to support students at all our events. We understand that many folks are working and enduring challenging situations that make volunteering difficult. We have many ways to volunteer and participate throughout the season. Remember, "Many hands make light work."


Does marching band look good on a high school transcript?

Yes! Colleges recognize the work and dedication that it requires to be in marching band. To a college admissions officer, a student who has taken four years of marching band will stand out from other applications. 


Does my student have to be enrolled in the Prospect music program to join marching band?

No. Students not enrolled in music classes are eligible to be a member of the marching band. Certain exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for students participating in the Middle College Program.

Attendance Policy (To be Finalized)


Though Marching Band is considered an Extracurricular Sport Activity, the competitive nature of the marching band program necessitates consistent attendance from all of our members. These policies are designed to be as fair as possible to the circumstances of individual students, while providing the best experience for all members. These policies remain in effect from day one of Band Camp through the end of the season.
