Communications at a Glance
Contact Us
Bulletins & Newsletters
- Our Prospect staff share a weekly bulletin every Wednesday focused on what's happening for the following week. The bulletin is a wealth of information and includes student announcements, parent announcements, activities, athletics, college & career updates, and more.
- The most recent edition is located HERE »
- All students and parents are automatically subscribed to this newsletter
- To add an announcement in the weekly bulletin, please fill out this form. All announcements need to be submitted by Tuesday the week prior (3 school days in advance).
- This is a video version of the weekly bulletin described above. These videos are produced by the Prospect's video production class.
- The most recent edition is located HERE »
Principal's Weekly Update
- Principal Autrey sends an email update at the beginning of each week with important information for the week ahead. All parents/guardians are automatically subscribed to this email.
- Mr. Autrey shares the text of this message via a phone call every Sunday evening.
- Mr. Autrey shares shares bi-monthly letters and other messages in the Principal's Corner page of this website: HERE »
- The CUHSD Community Newsletter focuses on district news and information. Prospect is one of five public schools in our district.
- The district's newsletters are distributed monthly via email to CUHSD families and community members.
- Parents/guardians and staff are automatically subscribed to this newsletter.
Parent Portals
In this section, you'll find all the tools you need to track your students' progress throughout their time at Prospect, as well as ways to stay connected with the teachers and staff at Prospect.

Canvas is a program that allows teachers, students and parents to communicate on a daily basis regarding assignments and grades. It is also a means to communicate directly with teachers. Parents can sign in to Canvas and set up how and when they want to be notified regarding their students grades and assignments.
Prospect is using ParentSquare/StudentSquare for school communication. Parents/guardians are encouraged to register with ParentSquare to see all school-wide and district-wide messages in one place, with options to specify how and when they are notified. Messages can be delivered via phone, text, email, and the Parent Square App. It is recommended that parents/guardians download the ParentSquare app.
Naviance is a program that allows parents and students to access college and career information efficiently. Students can perform detailed searches of colleges and universities, research scholarships, complete questionnaires useful for college and career planning, view historical data from our school for students who have applied in past years & an acceptance history of Leigh graduates at individual colleges.