Physical Education Department

Physical Education Sequence
PE Pathway
Course Descriptions
Sports & Marching Band PE
Beginning the 2024-2025 school year, eligible students will be able to apply for 2.5 credits per season (Fall, Winter, and Spring) to earn up to a max of 5 credits per year of physical education. To be eligible, students must:
  1. Pass 4 out of the 5 assessments in the Physical Fitnessgram that is proctored in the 9th grade
  2. Pass both semesters of 9th grade PE with a D or above
  3. Maintain a 2.0 GPA during each season of participation and finish the season in good standing to be eligible to earn credit.
At the beginning of each season, the Sports/Marching Band PE application will open for any student that is interested in receiving Sports PE credit.  The timeline for each season as well as the deadline to submit Sports PE applications per season are as follows:
(click below to see available sports)
Tryouts Begin Rosters Finalized Deadline to Submit Sports PE Application
Fall August 9, 2024 August 22, 2024 August 23, 2024
Winter November 4, 2024 November 12, 2024 November 13, 2024
Spring February 3, 2025 February 10, 2025 February 11, 2025
9th Grade Students Only: Students who successfully complete up to 2 sports seasons and meet the requirements of Sports PE, may receive Sports PE credit at the end of the year once the Fitnessgram is completed  For further questions, please reach out to the Sports PE Teacher at [email protected]
Physical Education Fitnessgram


Every year, the Physical Education department administers the Fitnessgram to all 9th grade students during their PE class.  Students prepare for these assessments with consistent body-weight exercise and flexibility training in the gym each class meeting throughout the school year.  These assessments are given to all freshmen students in February-April. 

In order to be eligible for Sports PE and Marching Band PE, students must pass 4 out of the 5 assessments. Below is more information on each component as well as a passing score.  Students are given one re-take opportunity on a test if they were absent or failed.

CUHSD Sports and Marching Band PE Program

Fitness Eligibility Requirements



Push Ups

Curl Ups

Trunk Lift

Shoulder stretch


< or =

9 minutes

≥ 14


9 – 12 in

Touching fingertips together behind the back
on both sides right and left


< or =

10 minutes

≥ 7


9 – 12 in

Same as above


For more information on the Fitnessgram, please contact your student's PE Teacher or the PE Department Chair. 


Other Miscellaneous PE Information


  1. Students must complete 20 units of PE to graduate (each semester of PE is worth 5 credits)
  2. The freshman PE curriculum focuses on building overall fitness to prepare for the Fitnessgram Test, Health, Nutrition, Dance, Swimming, Pickleball, and individual sports.
  3. The 10th-12th grade PE curriculum offers weight training, team sports, and pilates/yoga/swimming.
  4. PE can also be taken as an elective, even beyond the completion of the grad requirements.
Medical Excuses

**Please note, the information below is found in the PE Department's Syllabus that is distributed to all students.

From time to time students may be unable to participate normally in the day’s PE activities due to illness or injury. If this is the case, parents must submit written documentation to their student’s situation with a written note sent to school with the student. A note from a parent or guardian is valid for up to 3 consecutive school days; a doctor’s note is required for a lengthy illness or injury.
The note must state the nature of the student’s illness or injury as well as specifically which activities the student must avoid or have modified (Example:  No running.  Walking permitted. No use of the left hand, etc.).  Please avoid a note stating “No P.E.” as it means absolutely no participation in ANY of the day’s physical activities and students will need to recover lost points. For almost every situation, a student can alter their participation in the day’s activities, reducing the need to attend Study Hall to recover lost points. 
Students with a doctor’s note for an extended length of time (ie; several weeks) will need to discuss options with their teacher for making up missed points on a case by case basis. Teachers will work with individual students to develop an appropriate participation plan for those with chronic conditions once appropriate documentation has been submitted. Please see the Health Clerk in Student Services or print a copy of this Limited PE Form for extended medical issues.NOTE: Medical notes do not exempt the student from the day’s activities. Substitutions/modifications can be made based on the student’s limitations, otherwise missed points may be recuperated in Study Hall once the student has been cleared for full participation.