Juniors (11th Grade)

Your Junior years marks the halfway point of your high school journey!  This is an important year to focus and get serious about post-high school planning, whether that means college (2-year, 4-year, technical, or vocational), joining the military, or entering the workforce.  Now is the time to really think about about your future, visit colleges, find out what your skills and interests are, get an internship or volunteer.
Continue your college research and have about 20 colleges on your list; some from each category: safety (you will almost certainly get into), target/match (you are pretty likely to get into), and reach (you may have a chance of getting into).  Only add colleges in each category you believe match your criteria.  Use Naviance SuperMatch tool to help (in the "colleges" tab, select "SuperMatch college search").  
Keep up your grades as this is the last complete year that colleges may review.  And keep in touch with your Guidance Advisor about your grades, course selection and post-high school plans.  The more college planning you do this year, the less stressful it will be during your senior year.
If your post-high school plans are focused on entering the workforce, you should be working on your resume and finding ways to expand your skills.  Having more experience or training will help you in the job hunt, so think about getting an internship or volunteering.
And remember, you should continue to use Naviance Family Connection to help with college searches, scholarships searches, resumes, career information and more. 
Below is useful information and be sure to check back frequently for updates and additions:
BigFuture: A great supplement to Naviance; grade level planning, search colleges and careers