Freshman (9th Grade)

Welcome to Prospect High School!  This is an exciting time as you are beginning your high school journey. 
While high school graduation may seem like a long way off, it is important for you to start thinking seriously about post-high school plans now. Remember, every year counts - even 9th grade.  Your academic and extracurricular record from this year will be part of your college application.
Take the time this year to establish good study habits, work hard, and get the best grades you can. You should also get involved in extracurricular activities like sports, theater, music, student leadership, or volunteering. Find something you are passionate about! Begin exploring options for your career and higher education goals. You will use Naviance Family Connection for the next 4 years to help with all of this. 
Below are links to some useful information.  Check back as more information is added and updated