COVID-19 Protocols

PHS COVID Guidance & Process: Thank you all for your diligence in reporting your student’s COVID Status.  As we continue to move through this pandemic surge, we ask you to stay diligent with checking your emails.  Next steps and Earliest Return Dates are being sent through either Parent Square and/or Emails that we have on file, including your student’s email.  

That said, if your student is COVID positive, Close Contact, Household Contact, and/or Symptomatic, we ask that you fill out PHS COVID-19 Follow Up Questionnaire so that our site COVID team can determine next steps. Once completed, attendance will then be modified to reflect information (so no need to call and follow up!). Please note that processing time may take 24 hours, so disregard any attendance calls after you fill out  PHS COVID-19 Follow Up Questionnaire.

Until needed, please review our District COVID Guidance for more information.